6 Videos every enterprise should be producing in-house

Tap into the full power of video

Video rules. Now it’s time to rule video.

When it comes to effective communication in modern corporations, video leads. Chances are that you, like many enterprises, already know this. In fact, you’re probably producing video on a regular basis.

You may be using video as part of an ongoing program covering launch events and conferences. Or you could be using it for occasional one-offs like quarterly earning sessions and all-hands meetings. You might be keeping it simple and in-house for small productions or even outsourcing it to a third party for the really big projects.

The good news is you can use video to do so much more than most companies ever imagine. It’s now easy to deliver broadcast-quality productions without committing to TV station budgets or facilities. And best of all, it’s all within the reach of anyone with even the most basic AV skills.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this guide:
  • The two crucial components to realizing the full power of video for your business: immediate delivery (even live) and studio-style, multi-camera mixing enabling you to turn a talking head into a network show. (Just like broadcast TV, only with simpler tools you don’t have to be an expert to master.)
  • The 6 key types of video every enterprise should be producing in-house (though six is just the start).
  • How next-generation tools make it easy for anyone to deliver studio-style, broadcast-quality video production.

Download our eBook to unlock the full potential of video.

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Don’t forget to include:
  • 1. Document Overview list view is handy to have open so you can see labeled areas indicating where some edits can be made
  • 2. Slug is the URL. Once you save a draft with a page title, it defaults to that unless you edit it. Editing the slug URL to be more concise is a benefit at times.
  • 3. Meta Description is an SEO-friendly description.
  • 4. Keyphrase Synonyms is where the bulk of your keywords will go. Separate each keyword or phrase with a comma. These are all supporting keywords to the Main Keyphrase (see item #7).
  • 5. Featured image: This is part of the meta-data and auto-populates any query card image on hub pages. Page Titles and Subheadings are also elements needed to populate query cards and metadata.
  • 6. Excerpt This auto-populates on query card text. If left empty, it will default to the first bit of text on the page. This can be the same as the Meta description.
  • 7. Focus Keyphrase is the main Keyword. The inputs for this and the supporting keywords are in slightly separate areas, making it a little confusing.
Special Instructions:
  • Don’t forget any Pardot form or ebook links needed for buttons and other links.
  • Make sure all items are turned on below page content:
    • Do Not Display Title
    • Do Not Display the Featured Image
    • Do Not Display Subtitle
    Starter templates: hide title, subtitles, and featured image
  • Remove Breadcrumbs. You are NOT expected to do this, but it does need to be done which is why it is always good to tag a web team member in Pardot to review a page prior to publishing. However, if you are an experienced user, there are instructions below. Add this CSS to the Kadence Blocks Controls > Page Scripts. See the Instruction gallery images below.
    .breadcrumbs {display: none;}