Motion Analysis

MotionAnalysis provides reliable, user-friendly motion tracking of studio cameras and interactive objects for Viz Virtual Studio.

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Tracking cameras can be setup and aligned quickly and automatically—without traditional hardware-based calibration headaches—to produce accurate, realistic virtual sets for live broadcast.

MotionAnalysis software tracks the placement of “marker arrays” on studio cameras and aligns that motion data in accordance with the optical axis of the virtual camera. That same motion data is automatically mapped to multiple cameras, which rove freely within a 40 to 50 foot area, to coordinate their views of the same 3D virtual scene.

MotionAnalysis Corporation (MAC) is the worldwide leader and provider of optical motion capture systems for entertainment, medicine, videogames, film, sports, broadcasting, research, and virtual reality applications. The company was formed in 1982 and has its headquarters in Santa Rosa, CA.

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