In 2013, Dedy Yudha Christian, who lives in Jakarta, Indonesia, completed a Polytechnic Diploma in Multimedia and Network Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta
In 2014, Yudha Christian started working at Metro TV as a graphics programmer using Vizrt systems, at the time Viz Artist 3.5.
“During my time as a Graphic Programmer, I was responsible for support and maintenance of broadcast graphics systems with Vizrt., managing Vizrt real- time data graphics for the news ticker during presidential and parliamentary elections, in connection with polling, among other things.
“I created data visualization and general Vizrt graphics using Datapool , transition logic , scripting and programming to process raw data. I helped to realize designers’ visions of data display into functioning real-time graphics.
“Working with Vizrt software I spent many hours learning Vizrt software on the job and, with Viz Artist, I can realize my interest and ability in programming and design,” he says.