Viz Arena 4.10
Custom Sports
The Custom Sports feature allows you to embed Viz Arena’s live virtual graphics into any arbitrary sports environment. Create or import your own reference points to match your event environment and place virtual graphics to any desired camera. This is particularly relevant for sports such as car racing, horse racing or winter sports, which do not have a regular playing field. Sponsor and AR graphics can now be tracked to the background with a simple and reliable setup.
Enhanced camera tracking for all sports
The improved camera tracking introduced with Viz Arena 4.9 is now available to all sports. Based on user feedback, more setup flexibility has been provided to the operators.
Improved keying
The Viz Arena keying has added a blending factor that allows the operator to adjust for a smoother foreground and background interpretation in challenging game conditions – such as strong contrast between light and shadow.
Automatic overlay mask detection
Viz Arena’s new overlay mask detection can automatically recognize the size and the type of graphic or score bugs on a program feed. This is crucial for downstream productions to adapt and react seamlessly to changes on the incoming program feed, guaranteeing a flawless appearance of virtual graphics.

For full release notes for Viz Arena 4.10 please visit the Vizrt FTP and follow Products/VizArena/LatestInstaller/4.10.