Viz Channel Branding

Viz Channel Branding

Viz Channel Branding Product & Maintenance Updates Viz Channel Branding 5.1 October 24th, 2023 | Viz Channel Branding 5.1 is officially available and can be downloaded from the FTP server: products/VizChannelBranding/Latest Version/5.1. This is a maintenance release and includes several new features, improvements, and bug fixes. These include updates to the Template Importer, Integrations Hub…

Viz Channel Branding 5

While this is technically the 5th major version of Viz Multichannel, it represents such a significant improvement in performance, stability, scalability, and visibility over your channel branding and promo workflows – including a brand new 64bit codebase and user interface – that we’ve decided to rebrand it as Viz Channel Branding. Complete visibility from a…