Vizrt Technical Partner
- Production Control

The integration between Vizrt and Dizplai gives content creators the tools to embrace user-generated social content and integrate it easily, flexibly, and seamlessly within Vizrt graphics and multiplatform distribution workflows.
Gather, filter, monitor, and approve tweets, Facebook posts, Instagram photos and videos, WhatsApp and Telegram messages, and poll data, as well as 3rd party data, and feeds using simple XML APIs — to create a more immersive viewing experience.
Users can easily build playlists, data counts, word clouds, or carousels of selected social content they want to push to the air while maintaining secure editorial control over what social media content users aggregate, post, use on-air, or publish to digital destinations.
About Dizplai
Founded in 1999 Dizplai (formerly known as offers a range of social media curation and display tools for broadcasters, producers, brands, and event organizers to deliver an interactive experience from anywhere in the world for live and pre-recorded programming and adverts.
All viewer interactions are highly trackable and can generate valuable consumer insights and behavioral data.