Any reality for any story

Vizrt Virtual studio solutions focus on delivering the right story to the audience – no matter the toolset needed to do so. From data-driven graphics through video walls, AR, virtual sets to a great integration with the Unreal Engine, the Vizrt platform is the only one that allows storytellers the true freedom needed to bring their stories to life.

CBS News 2022 Election–Viz Engine 5-UNREAL Engine 5

Any reality for any story

Virtual Studio

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CBS News 2022 Election–Viz Engine 5-UNREAL Engine 5
CBS News Takes Virtual Graphics to Times Square

Election Vision

Months before the 2022 US Midterm Elections, CBS News made the decision to place AR graphics, virtual set design, and election data visualization at the very heart of their coverage, while at the same time connecting these elements and their viewers to CBS News’ unique Times Square location in New York City.

GMA Dazzles Viewers With 2019 Philippine Election Cover…

Using collaborative tools from Vizrt, the news network was also able to air poll…

Viz Arc helps KQED take control

Designers Full Mental Jacket used Viz Engine 4 and Viz Arc to create an autonomo…

TVNZ’s immersive storytelling

By embracing IP based, software defined visual storytelling production (SDVS) te…