Viz Artist & Viz Engine

Product and maintenance updates


Viz Artist & Viz Engine

Product & Maintenance Updates

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Viz Engine &
Viz Artist 5.3.1

December 12th, 2024 |  Viz Engine 5.3.1 is a Maintenance Release. It includes support for the Matrox DSX LE5/8, which provides a maximum 8-IN or 8-OUT, plus multi-channel reconfigurable 8x12G/3G SDI I/O for HD, UHD, and HDR workflows. Microsoft Windows 11 is also supported. Bug fixes, feature improvements, and security enhancements are also included. Customers can download the installation files and release notes from the FTP server: Vizrt FTP at: /products/VizEngine/VizEngine5x/Latest.

December 12th, 2024 | Viz Artist 5.3.1 is a Maintenance Release. It includes bug fixes, feature improvements, and security enhancements. Customers can download the installation files and release notes from the FTP server: Vizrt FTP at: /products/VizArtist/VizArtist5x/Latest Individual Installers.

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Viz Engine &
Viz Artist 5.3

October 17th, 2024 |  Viz Engine 5.3 includes exclusive new features and a helpful Migration Tool that makes upgrading to Viz Engine 5 easier – and faster – than ever. Other new or improved features include hardware support for the Matrox DSX LE5 SDI LP and new third-party integrations with NDI 6 and Unreal Engine 5.3 and 5.4. Installers, documentation, and required drivers are available on the FTP in products/VizEngine/VizEngine5x/Latest.

October 17th, 2024 | Viz Artist 5.3 delivers an improved user experience driven by a modern state-of-the-art user interface, coupled with an increase in application performance. Several new features are included, such as an improved PBR Materials Image Import, a more advanced implementation of Configurable Shortcuts, and a library of pre-built templates for writing, or coding, Shaders.
Security enhancements and bug fixes are also included. The installers and Release Notes are available on the Vizrt FTP in /products/VizArtist/VizArtist5x/Latest Individual Installers.

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