
Vizrt Cloud Live Production

Jon Raidel presenting Cloud Live Production during BeachRT

Vizrt makes moving to the cloud as easy as a day at the beach

Simple, productive, and sustainable

It’s no longer a question of when the media technology and broadcast industry is headed to the cloud, the reality is that production workflows are moving to cloud now, and fast. With better quality content, reduced climate impact, decreased time-to-market and a host of other benefits, why wouldn’t broadcasters have their heads in the cloud?

But cloud can be confusing, complex, and provide a lot of barriers to entry – especially for the first time.

What if you could move your live productions to the cloud and improve team productivity and well-being while simultaneously reducing cost and carbon? Cue Vizrt’s Viz Vectar Plus.

Viz Vectar Plus, offers anywhere-access to enterprise-grade 4K switching in the cloud that helps content creators address the ever-growing need to produce more stories, better told.

Cloud at the speed of live

Recently, we held an event showcasing the powerful capabilities of Vizrt’s Live Production in the Cloud Solutions in sunny Los Angeles at a beach house. Our point of it being on the beach? That anyone can continue to create enterprise-grade content as if on-site, from anywhere they are in the world. If they have a beach view to do it? Even better.

Incredible live productions can happen remotely, and teams can work together from anywhere. The tech to support them is already here. No longer does the cost of sending hardware and people on-site for events need to happen post-pandemic, the operators can find a better balance and work the best way for them. Many freelance operators we spoke to prefer this choice, moving from a need to be on-site to the flexibility of working anywhere. They can work on a live event fully in the cloud from their own homes, studios, or our point, on the beach.

Our customers are everything to us, and we want to see them succeed in their transition to cloud. At our pop-up Center of Excellence for Live Production on the beach we had direct conversations and feedback from technical directors in the industry, allowing them to see the cloud is a viable option alongside discussing, and settling their concerns in front of the product. Wondering how it went?

“Being in front of clients and operators, talking about their concerns moving to cloud is so important. Having them in front of Viz Vectar Plus asking questions, while they look and touch the product is an irreplicable experience. That’s why doing events like BeachRT was such a rewarding experience for those who attended. What better way to show that cloud is real and can be done anywhere, at the speed of live with no production facility needed than in a beach house?”

Jon Raidel
Global Center of Excellence Lead, Vizrt

But don’t just take our word for it…

“Viz Vectar Plus is an incredibly easy solution to pick up for anyone that’s familiar doing any kind of technical direction. It works like modern multimedia switcher works. You have your playback should you need it, you have your integration with external graphic sources, you can bring in sources, you can send them out, people can be watching their previews at home you could be switching in Los Angeles, while the director in New York is watching from their home, while there are camera men doing the job down in Florida; not having to have to travel as much is really a very positive thing,”

– Jon McKelvey, Freelance Director/Technical Director

“What Vizrt is doing is eliminating latency. Getting rid of the time disparity from when it actually happens to when I’m seeing it happen as the director, and it’s kind of a game changer.”

– Jon McKelvey, Freelance Director/Technical Director

“Essentially there’s no difference in the system that we saw, and what is currently being used in trucks and studios.”

– Roman Veytsman, Producer, Bally Sports

“If you can’t tell the difference, why wouldn’t you do something that makes more sense, that requires less travel, less cost and I think this is one of those things.”

– Jeff Proctor, President, ProAngle Media

“Having less equipment and not having to go to a city and staff people there. You can just have your best guys available for you, that’s just amazing it just sounds like the future is here now…”

– Steve Lee, Viz Producer, Bally Sports

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NDI®–native live production in the cloud with Viz Vectar Plus

Join us for this live demo of the award-winning Viz Vectar Plus, showcasing how broadcasters and content creators are remotely producing amazing content from anywhere with 4K switching in the cloud. After the demo, we’ll be taking questions live from the audience, so this is your chance to see the only truly NDI®–native 4K switcher in the cloud in action and to ask all your questions!

Viz Vectar Plus on-demand demo