Back in the Studio-Viz Multiplay

Content is king, and you as a storyteller, breaking-news-teller, sports-teller – must use every tool including the studio environment to make the content shine! This is a demo that shows you exactly how to do that.

No studio feature has become more dominant in the last decade than the video wall, and being able to control your studio walls elegantly and precisely is key to delivering the best viewing experience. Vizrt’s Viz Multiplay has become a go-to solution for video wall setups both simple and complex.

Watch this demo with our special guest, Fadi Radi, Director of Creative at Al Arabiya News Channel, to find out how they are using this software tool in their studio and how it helps them deliver more content every day. This includes an insight into how Al Arabiya use Superchannels, a unique Viz Multiplay feature that enables advanced transitions between all the dynamic content on the videowalls.

In addition, our experts will do a live demonstration of Viz Multiplay, including:

  • How easy it is to control any type of content on all your videowalls – from one interface
  • How the quick and intuitive interface can be used by anyone including talent while on-air
  • How to create and run dynamic playlists across multiple channels

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