Stephen Maré has been working in the Television Broadcast industry since 2005, after graduating University with a degree in Audio-Visual Production Management.
He is currently at Mediaworks TV3 as a Senior Viz Artist in Auckland, New Zealand.
What brought you to Viz Artist?
“I started out as a Viz Trio Operator at the end of 2008 when TV3 just started using VIZRT applications.
The system was implemented with the 2008 National Elections in mind, as well as a new set and news branding. I was instantly hooked on the abilities and functionality of the system, especially in regards to interactive graphics on the studio’s massive 103′ plasma touchscreen. The ease of use and instant feedback makes this a robust and flexible system in our news broadcast studio.
I started designing in Viz Artist early 2009. In 2010 a studio automation changeover was implemented and I was tasked with introducing Viz Pilot and Viz World into the automated newsroom workflow.
2011 brought with it not only a change of management but also a significant change in pace. Viz became recognized for it’s real-time capabilities and became an integral part of the News & Current Affairs channel brand. Four years on National elections placed major emphasis on Viz technology and played its own role in seeing the channel win the ratings on the night over TVNZ the lead competitor. From this major achievement Viz then became the keystone for many developing projects which capitalized on its functionality, speed, ease of use and real-time technology.
Heavy reliance on this system in prior projects saw a company investment via the Viz Guru course followed up by the Viz Artist Exam which then qualified me as a Certified Pro Viz Artist Designer.”